Glass Renu: Scratch Removal and Repair

Don’t Let Scratched Glass Ruin Your View

Nothing ruins the effect of a clean, professional window front quite like a scratch. Imperfections on glass aren’t just an eyesore, but can also bring the first impression of your establishment down. H2O Pressure Washing offers a Glass Renu service that removes and repairs those imperfections so that your windows – and your curb appeal – can shine!

Replace Scratched Glass? Repair It!

Our team offers a budget-friendly alternative to full glass replacement that will leave your space looking like the problem area never existed. We tackle superficial and major scratches alike, and harness special technology to successfully “erase” the issue. Whether created by vandalism, a rowdy pet, or installation issues, we have the tools and the expertise to remedy the scratch efficiently and effectively.

If your glass surface doesn’t need to be replaced, why spend the unnecessary money? Let the H2O Pressure Washing team fulfill your needs… Without the hefty cost of a new glass surface! Get your FREE estimate and restore your picture-perfect first impression today.

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